Sunday, February 1, 2009

Road conditions for February 1

The new snow today has begun accumulating on roads. As the air cools this evening conditions will likely become slippery and dangerous. Please report conditions in the comments and take a moment to update your local road segment on the Road Status Map.


  1. Hummingbird isn't on the map so can't update there but from our window it's looking a bit slippery. Was plowed and salted a little while ago but is accumulating again.

  2. BTW, thanks to all who have worked really hard to make this site and the map a reality. I find myself relying on it as soon as I spy the first flake!!

  3. Kathy,
    Thanks for the positivie feedback. There are still a few road segments we haven't mapped yet -- and a few roads that need to be tweaked. Will try to have Hummingbird up on Monday.
